How to Use Essential Oils in Skin Care

When it comes to adding to your skin care regimen, look no further than essential oils. Now, what exactly are essential oils? Well, essential oils are concentrated natural extracts from the leaves, flowers, and stems of plants. They can be used for skin care in a variety of ways. Probably the most common would be to dilute them with a carrier oil and then apply the mixture to your skin. Afterwards, depending on whether or not you are following the recipe or just your own personal intuition, make a rollerball blend so that you are able to have your favorite combination on hand. Once that is done, focus on areas where you have the most pain, tightness, or tension. You should also rub the oil into pressure points such as your temples or your wrists. You may also add essential oils to your favorite cosmetic products, such as toners, serums, and muscle rubs. But always take care to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil first.

But, what you do you get out of this? Essential oils have many of proven health benefits. They’re affordable, versatile, and are a convenient way to improve your quality of life and personal health. In addition to helping your skin, they also relieve pain and cramping, congestion, improve respiratory health, and can promote healthy sleep patterns. Wellth would like to share with you some of these benefits as well as some of our products:


Lavender is perfect for minor skin injuries. But, in addition to that, it’s sedative properties also make it a useful oil for calming one’s emotions, cramping, and sinus congestions. It can also be used to relieve headaches, anxiety, and insomnia.


Perfect for treating acne and warts, Tea Tree oil is a true staple for skin care.


Besides, being a good boost to one’s immunity, this oil’s antibacterial and antiviral properties make it useful in treating skin conditions like bug bites, boils, and pimples. 

With all the benefits essential oils offer, why wouldn’t you want to take full advantage? Here at Wellth, not only do we strive to bring out the best version of yourself, but also to help you live your best life. Afterall, you’re worth it.


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