This daily-use, soft moisturizer fuses rare, regional ingredients from the Indian sub-continent, such as golden Muga silk (known for its resilience and exquisite luster) and Makaibari Silver Tips Imperial tea, along with powerful scientific processes like biotransformation - to strengthen, nourish and revitalize your skin.
Liquefied Muga Silk
Rare in form, Muga Silk has regenerative and healing properties, that even lend themselves for use in surgical procedures. The silk has been liquefied and incorporated into this line.
Makaibari Silver Tips Imperial Tea
Iconic in nature, Makaibari Tea leaves have been biotransformed to enhance the concentration and efficacy of the botanical, while making it more easily assimilated by the skin.
Vegan Ghee
Traditional in its essence, Ghee has regenerating and anti-aging characteristics along with anti-inflammatory properties when combined with Copper.
Sultry in its form, Rajnigandha (Tuberose) not only has a magically seductive fragrance, but also improves skin’s elasticity.
Ashwagandha (“Indian Ginseng”)
Powerful in its properties, Ashwagandha has elements that strengthen and rejuvenate.
Natural in its essence, copper’s therapeutic qualities promise youth and vitality.